
The A.C.T.S. (Anointed Christian Theatrical Support) Ministry features creative theatrical support inclusive of but not limited to dramatic presentations, script writing, technical productions, casting, directing, coaching, stage and floor management for worship services and special events.
SEC Care Communities
The SEC Care Communities are our way of connecting our Church Family to God, The Church, Their Purpose and each other. It is our deep conviction that the Second Ebenezer Church is at its very best when we are building, caring and supporting one another.
Circle of Brotherhood
The Circle of Brotherhood (COB) mentoring program provides youth development and character education to young men ages of 9–18.
We connect with our young men on their level during the academic school year. We host sessions to discuss social issues, academic enrichment, development, and the transition into adulthood. Topics include character education, discrimination, drugs, peer pressure, and budget and finance among others.
College Ministry
College Ministry aims to assist the college students of Second Ebenezer in strengthening their networking skills and improving connectivity among students pursuing common goals.
We aim to have a network of college-educated professionals as well as students in different stages of higher education supporting each other and sharing information, resources, and experiences.
Comforters Ministry
The Comforters Ministry features a unique service amenity, “comfort”, which is unselfishly shared with bereaved members, their families and extended loved ones. We provide physical presence, compassion and grief support, at family hours, funerals, seminars and trainings.
Deaf Ministry
At Second Ebenezer Church, we aim to address the spiritual needs of all those who are hearing impaired. Our vision is to provide services and community for our Deaf family to find faith, friends and their future in God. Description goes here. We provide an ASL Interpreter for our 10am Worship Experience every Sunday. We also do our best to provide ASL during our events. (See event description for details).
EbSource is a workforce development program that provides soft-skill training, job fairs and lessons in basic computing for completing the online application process. We believe the renaissance of Metropolitan Detroit can only emerge when people are able to secure and maintain jobs and resources that allow them to achieve a healthy quality of life for their families.
Eb VET CONNECT is a ministry created to serve the particular needs of both men and women veterans at Second Ebenezer in need of help with re-adjusting to civilian life after military service.
The EMRT (Emergency Medical Response Team) provides medical assistance to the ill injured, with prompt and professional services delivered with the highest quality of care by trained and certified personnel. We serve with commitment and dedication by helping others in distress. Our primary service vehicle is to provide medical support at worship services and various events held at Second Ebenezer.
The EPICS (Experienced People In Christ’s Service), the Mature Adults Ministry presents creative ways of engaging and involving the mature adults into every aspect of the church life. These goals will be accomplished by offering learning opportunities, socialization, recreation, service opportunities, and opportunities for spiritual development, for persons age 55 and above.
First Impressions Team
The First Impressions Team brings a warm receptive greeting, to our guests and members. We brand a first and lasting impression, of widely opened doors and arms, to embrace all who will enter in Second Ebenezer Church.
Intercessors Ministry
The Intercessors Ministry provides a self-sacrificial work of pouring ourselves for others in prayer. A Watchmen upon the wall, interceding always with prayer on the behalf of other Christians (Ephesians 6:18), Church (Ephesians 4:11-16) and for the lost (1st Timothy 2:3-4) according to the Will of God. We intercede daily for the church, ministry leaders, lay persons, community, foreign missions and the unsaved
The Master’s Men’s Ministry
The Master’s Men’s Ministry is the spiritual arm for all men here at Second Ebenezer. We seek to train and develop Godly men through powerful moments of prayer, God’s Word, inspiration, and fellowship events. We equip and empower men to grow spiritually, personally and professionally, through the work of the Holy Spirit, into reproducing followers of Jesus Christ.
Multimedia Ministry
The Multimedia Ministry features the technical foundation and mediums for Second Ebenezer Church, to carry the gospel locally and globally, through audio and visual production. We produce, direct, capture, record, edit, and mass produce the audio and/or visual footage of our worship services and special events.
The Music Ministry
The Music Ministry features various vocal and instrument ensembles; dedicated to leading our congregation in worship to God. Members of these groups are committed to weekly rehearsals and Sunday Morning Worship Services.
New Membership Ministry
New Membership ministry features introductions and connections to Second Ebenezer Church. This is accomplished through intake, communication, administration, teaching, and outreach follow-up. We facilitate the successful transition from membership to Christian discipleship within Second Ebenezer Church. Through teaching, praying and mentorship, members are strengthened in their walk with Christ and firmly rooted in their faith.
Prison Ministry
The Prison Ministry provides spiritual and practical life skills, as well as support and communication to men and women currently in prison and to those re-entering the community.
We connect with and serve people through worship services held inside local jail/prison facilities. We also function as mentors to former inmates to enable, encourage, and empower them in transitioning into mainstream society in Christ Jesus.
The Ushers of Second Ebenezer are here to greet you with a vibrant smile, warm welcome and gracious seating opportunity, to our guests and membership, alike. Our spirit of excellence brand is our ultimate deliverable, each and every service.
Women of The Word
Women of The Word (WOW) is the spiritual arm for all women here at Second Ebenezer. That’s right, every woman of Ebenezer is a woman of WOW. We hope you’ll join us throughout the year for our Fresh Oil Encounters, outreach activities and other fellowships.